P. 11

Enlightened Rabbi Simeon ben Yochai's Teachings in the Zohar I, "Beresheet").
The "Paraclete" foretold by Jesus is the Prophet Muhammad.
The "Paraclete" foretold in The Babylonian Talmud is Shiloh.
In The Zohar Shiloh is identified in Moses...
In the Sahih Al-Bukhari by Imam Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Mughīrah Al-Bukhārī summarized Version by Imam Zain-ud-Din Ahmad bin Abdul-Lateef Az- Zubaidi, the Holy Prophet of ALLAH-GOD MUHAMMAD is identified with the Holy Prophet of GOD-ALLAH MUSA (MOSES):
"Khadijah then accompanied him [Muhammad (pbuh)] to Waraqah bin Nawfal bin Asad ibn ‘Abd Al-‘Uzza, who had embraced Christianity during the time of Jahiliyyah [1], and used to write in Hebrew and write from the Gospel in Hebrew as much as Allah (pbuh) willed for him to write. He was an old man who had lost his eyesight. Khadijah said, ‘O my cousin, listen to your nephew.’ Waraqah said to him, ‘O my nephew, what have you seen?’. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) recounted to him what he had seen. Waraqah said to him, ‘This is the same Namus [2] whom Allah (pbuh) had sent to Musa [3]. Would that I were young and could live until the time when your people will turn you
out.’ The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) asked, ‘Will they turn me out?’ [*] Waraqah replied in the affirmative and said: ‘Never did a man come with the like of what you have come with but was treated with hostility. If I should live to see that day, I would support you strongly.’ Waraqah died a short while later and Divine Revelation ceased for a while."
"(1) Jahiliyyah. Arch. «Age of Ignorance». Pre-Islamic Arabs' condition."
"(2) Namus, a designation for the Angel Gabriel."
"(3) Moses (pbuh)."
"Sahih Al-Bukhari by Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari (who was born in 194 H/810 AD, and died in 256 H/870 AD) is the most famous and trusted collection of hadith, and its author is often referred to as Imam al-Muhadditheen (the leader of traditionists)."
[*] Another version reads: "You will be disavowed it and you will be insulted it and you will be expelled it and will be attacked it."
The words spoken by the Holy Prophet of ALLAH Muhammad, "Will they turn me out?" contained in the "Sahih Al-Bukhari" are the foretelling of the recurrence and the memory of the Prophet Moses in ancient Egypt, when he was "expelled" into the wilderness by the Pharaoh and despised by the "People"...

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