P. 12

The interpretation that the Holy Prophet of ALLAH Muhammad was the Reincarnation of the Holy Prophet of GOD Moses is widely accepted among Muslim People.
"For, in the future Moshe himself will Reincarnate and return in the last generation. All the generations of people who left Egypt (in the Exodus) and lived for forty years in the wilderness will reincarnate in the final generation... In the final generation Moshe will arise, and the generation of the desert will also be with him. The generation of the desert was Reincarnated in the Arizal's (Isaac Luria's) generation as it is also destined to be at the time of the Moshiach's arrival." (Teachings by "The Ari", "Arizal", or Isaac Luria).
(Please see our study "Isaac Luria y Hayyim Vital [Isaac Luria and Hayyim Vital]")
In the Rabbinic Work "Deuteronomy Rabbah", it is announced that in the "future" (in these times) Elijah and Moses come "as one":
"YHVH (the Holy Tetragrammatón) said to Moses: Moses, by your life, just as you have given your soul for Israel in this world, so in the future to come, when I bring them the prophet Elijah, the two of you will come as one." (Deut. Rabbah 3:17).
"... when Moshe Rabbeinu's soul comes back in every generation... he needs a teacher to teach him. Then
Eliyahu will come and will teach him, and the generation will begin to shine within him." (Isaac Luria).
"In a hadith, the Prophet speaks of the first Imam referring to him as his brother, and speaks of the twelfth one as if he is his son. The interlocutor asks him: 'O Messenger of God! Who is your son?' 'He is the Mahdi ['the guided one' who guides to God, one of the hidden Imam's names], concerning whom I have been sent as proclaimer'. (13) In other ahadith the Prophet also declares: 'If there remains no more than a day for the world, God will prolong it until a man from my progeny, whose name will be my name and whose patronymic will be my patronymic, will emerge [...] He will fight to restore the spiritual [Occult, Esoteric, Gnostic] meaning, just as I myself have fought for the revelation of the literal meaning'. (14) And Henry Corbin adds: 'The foretold Paraclete will not be the enunciator of a new law, but he who will reveal the inner, esoteric meaning of all ancient laws. Now, Prophet Muhammad brought a new Law, while the mission entrusted to the twelfth Imam is the revelation of the hidden meaning'. (15)"
"Haydar Amoli, one of the great Shiite Masters of the fourteenth century and Ibn Arabi's disciple, comments on the aforementioned hadith of the Prophet where the Imam of the resurrection is foretold: 'Jesus hinted at this when He said: We bring you the literal revelation. As for its spiritual interpretation, it will be unveiled to you by

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